Thursday, December 4, 2008

Picture Citation

"The Valkyries." 4 Jan 2007. Photograph. Norse Mythology. 4 december 2008.


Norse Mythology Definitions

Vikings -Human warriors of Europe
Ginnungagap -Void before anything was created in the universe
Nifleheim -Land of ice and fog, where evil resides, like hell
Muspellheim -Land of fire
Yggdrasil -Tree from which all the different demetions of Norse myths revolve around
Asgard -Place where the gods reside
Midgard- Place where the humans reside
Hel -Goddess of the dead, ruler of the dead
Bifrost Bridge- Bridge which conects Asgard and Midgard(land of the gods and land of humans)
Ymir -Ice giant from which life came from when pieces of him fell of and melted
Odin-Gods of gods, he is the god of thunder, like Zues
Frigg -Goddess of or queen of the gods
The Valkyries -Choosers of the slain, they decide who lives and who dies
The Norns -Women can see the future, like the Greyeye
Thor -God of thunder, like Odin and Zues
Balder- Best of all the gods, who was slain by Loki
Njord -Father of Frey and Freya, who is often related to the sea
Frey -God of growing things, like Demeter
Freya -Goddess of love and beauty, like Aphrodite
Idunn -Goddess who gives golden apples to the others for eternal life
Loki-God of mischief, and also the one to blame for Ragnarok
Fenrir- One of Loki's children, he was a monstorous wolf
Jormungandr- Evil world serpant, who was also one of Loki's children
Ragnarok -Day is when evil will prevail and all mankind will die, like doomsday
Runes-Stones were once thought to tell who you were when tossed to the groundd