Thursday, December 4, 2008

Picture Citation

"The Valkyries." 4 Jan 2007. Photograph. Norse Mythology. 4 december 2008.


Norse Mythology Definitions

Vikings -Human warriors of Europe
Ginnungagap -Void before anything was created in the universe
Nifleheim -Land of ice and fog, where evil resides, like hell
Muspellheim -Land of fire
Yggdrasil -Tree from which all the different demetions of Norse myths revolve around
Asgard -Place where the gods reside
Midgard- Place where the humans reside
Hel -Goddess of the dead, ruler of the dead
Bifrost Bridge- Bridge which conects Asgard and Midgard(land of the gods and land of humans)
Ymir -Ice giant from which life came from when pieces of him fell of and melted
Odin-Gods of gods, he is the god of thunder, like Zues
Frigg -Goddess of or queen of the gods
The Valkyries -Choosers of the slain, they decide who lives and who dies
The Norns -Women can see the future, like the Greyeye
Thor -God of thunder, like Odin and Zues
Balder- Best of all the gods, who was slain by Loki
Njord -Father of Frey and Freya, who is often related to the sea
Frey -God of growing things, like Demeter
Freya -Goddess of love and beauty, like Aphrodite
Idunn -Goddess who gives golden apples to the others for eternal life
Loki-God of mischief, and also the one to blame for Ragnarok
Fenrir- One of Loki's children, he was a monstorous wolf
Jormungandr- Evil world serpant, who was also one of Loki's children
Ragnarok -Day is when evil will prevail and all mankind will die, like doomsday
Runes-Stones were once thought to tell who you were when tossed to the groundd

Friday, November 14, 2008

How the Ducks Got Their Fine Feathers

Gabcast! Mythology #2


Willms, Craig. "Pretty Duck." 4 February 2008. Photograph. The Static Noise Journal. 14 November 2008. <>

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sparks from War Eagle’s Lodge-Summary

This myth is a Native American myth from the Blackfeet Tribe. Like most myths, it explains something of the natural world which happens to be how ducks got their fine and beautiful feather. It started with all the Duck-people looking generally the same with a dull gray coat. One day the Duck-people were swimming in the lake with Old-man watching. Meanwhile, the Duck-people kept to their business but minded Old-man because he was said to be a crazy man and would want to hurt the Duck-people. As soon as Old-man started gathering the thick moss on the shore the Duck-people became quickly suspicious. Old-man constructed a lodge using the moss and poles and invited the Duck-people to come watch his dance even though they were very unsure of Old-man. However, as he started singing in Duck-talk the Duck-people became less suspicious and eventually went into Old-man's lodge. Old-man said they must be painted to see his dance and painted each duck how they explained. In other words, the Duck-people were able to pick their appearance and how they wanted it to be. The Duck-people were told not to open their eyes during the dance and if they did they would have red-eyes forever or it would hurt to open them. The loon caused a commotion and all the Duck-people opened their eyes and fled, for this reason loon looks crippled when he tries to stand as well as why all ducks have their feathers.


Linderman, Frank B. "Blackfeet-How the Ducks Got Their Fine Feathers". Indigenous Peoples Literature. 2002. 11 November 2008.

Friday, October 31, 2008